Public health implication of disasters

The Medical Surge Capacity and Capability document written by Dr. Barbera and his colleagues is the de facto comprehensive document on ramping up healthcare assets in the US to respond to a disaster. the PDF document can be found in Attachment. It describes a systematic approach for managing the medical and public health response to an emergency or disaster. The MSCC handbook identifies recent changes to the Federal emergency response structure, particularly the Federal public health and medical response. It also expands on several concepts described in the first edition of the MSCC handbook to facilitate their implementation. While the tiered approach described in this handbook is consistent with NIMS and the NRP, this revision addresses terminology and concept descriptions to assure consistency with Federal guidance.”

Prepare a slideshow in which you summarize ONE chapter or tier of MSCC. Employ other internet resources, the DHHS website, photos and any other elements to paint a picture for the rest of your class about your chosen chapter. By reading all of the submissions, you will learn about the MSCC document without having to read the entire thing word for word. Be clear and distinct. Please attempt to keep your presentation to less than 10 slides.

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