public health policy analysis

write a research paper describing this public health policy analysis and background. The final paper should include the following:

A title page
An introduction of policy analysis in two to three paragraphs discussing the following:


A body

  Health policy background (one page):

      The state's role in the policy-making process
      The purpose of public health policy

  Public health policy analysis five-step process discussing the following:

      A problem statement (in the form of a question) (two paragraphs)
      Background of a policy analysis provides factual information needed to understand the problem. Include economic issues of policy as well as regulatory policy (two pages).
      The landscape section of a policy analysis identifies key stakeholders and describes the factors that are needed to analyze the problem. Write the landscape section on policy analysis. Include balance of patient rights versus protecting the population. Include any influence from government insurance programs. Your response should be of at least three pages
      Options (three or four) to address the policy problem. Your response should be of at least three pages.
      Recommendations section should clearly identify three options. Which of the three options is favored and why is it is preferred over the other ones. Your response should be of at least one page.

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