Qualifications of a good leader

Answer each of the three questions below using the text “Understanding Behaviors for Effective Leadership”, and the article Decisionmaking in the federal government “the Sayre Model”
The format should be in APA.

Q1: You have just been appointed to a leadership position as a mid-level supervisor to replace someone who was just fired for poor performance as a leader and for the poor performance of the department. The department has over 200 people is not known for having a training problem, supply problem, or inexperienced workers. It has all the equipment needed but output and customer service are considered very poor. The outgoing supervisor complained that the employees were just lazy and did not want to work. You are told by your new boss that the outgoing super-visor was fired for poor leadership performance. You are provided full authority over the department. You are directed to show improved output/performance of the department with 30-60 days. What is your leadership plan for the department for the first 30 days? What is your plan there after? What kind of leadership behavior styles and/or model would you consider using for the group and for individuals, and explain why?

Q2: Discuss the major aspects of Groupthink and how to avoid it. You should identify and explain the Symptoms of Groupthink, the key factors or “Setting for Groupthink,” and the remedies/how to avoid it. Provide examples as appropriate?

Q3: You have just been assigned by the FAA administrator to push a bill through concerning the NextGen Air Traffic System. Briefly discuss what you are going to do to make this happen using the Sayre Model concerning decision-making in the Federal Government. Identify the parts/key players of the Sayre Model and explain. Include a brief explanation of the “Iron Triangle” and the Alliance Building. Bargaining/negotiating, and Compromise (ABCs) in your answer. Also, briefly explain how you can adapt this model to a smaller business company?

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