Qualitative critique

Critique: The goal is a balanced constructive review including strengths and weaknesses as well as providing suggestions for how the study might be improved. Keep in mind that you are critiquing the article to determine if it can or should be used in your practice as a nurse. It is insufficient to answer “yes” or “no” to the questions without providing the rationale for your answer.

instructions: Identify the article selected to critique in correct APA 7 format, and then answer the following questions:

1 Data Gathering a) Are data sources and methods for gathering data specified? b) Is there evidence that participant consent was an integral part of the data gathering process?

2 Data Analysis a) Can the dimensions of data analysis be identified and logically followed? b) Do(es) the researcher(s) paint a clear picture of the participants’ reality?c) Is there evidence that the researcher’(s)’ interpretation captured the participants’ meaning?d) Have other professionals confirmed the researcher’(s)’ interpretation?

3 Describing the Findingsa) Are examples provided to guide the reader from the raw data to the researcher’(s)’ interpretation? b) Do(es) the researcher(s) link the findings to existing theory or literature, or is a new theory generated?

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