
Answer each essay question and label them 1. What did the Industrial Revolution do for nation-states and the peoples that lived in those nations? Explain. Was the industrial revolution a help or hindrance? Support your answer.

  1. What accounts for the success of movements to abolish slavery in Europe and the Americas? Were these movements successful? Provide examples to support your conclusions.
  2. The emergence of mass politics meant that ordinary people in Europe had more control over their lives and their governments. Provide at least three examples of this in detail. Support your answer
  3. The First World War changed the balance of power in the world. Explain how the demise of imperial empires and changed national boundaries reshaped the continent. Support your answer.
  4. What led to the onset of the Second World War? Could the war have been prevented if Great Britain and France created a stronger unified united front against Nazi Germany in the 1930s? Why or why not? Explain.

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