R.V Ghomeshi and R.V Latimer

In R v Ghomeshi the public had strong reactions of dislike for either Jian Ghomeshi or the witnesses. In R v Latimer the public generally had favourable reactions to Robert Latimer. (You can introduce the essay like this if you would like)

Is it relevant whether we like the accused? Does this provide a useful purpose, or is it a dangerous distraction? (Can answer this in your introduction as well)

In your answer please make sure to answer the following (separate paragraphs):

(a) identify what Jian Ghomeshi and Robert Latimer were each charged with and if they were convicted

(b) Discuss the public perception of both Jian Ghomeshi and Robert Latimer

(c) Provide an argument as to whether our opinion of the accused should be taken into consideration.

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