Racist ideologies and concepts

Current Thesis:

Racist ideologies and concepts have evolved and improved in the world of cinema thanks to the advancements of racial justice and activism, which has allowed for better representation to be created in film.

  • A gist of the introduction, thesis, and main points:

Film over the years has undergone many different changes and phases of experimentation. More recently, topics such as racism and racial representation within film have become more and more prevalent. Currently, racist ideologies and concepts have evolved and improved in the world of cinema thanks to the advancements of racial justice and activism, which has allowed for better representation to be created in film. Cinema has come a long way from “Birth of a Nation” to movies like “Get Out”. “Birth of a Nation” promoted racist ideologies that created a tone for the representation of Black people in America. “Get Out” was a movie that directly attacked and broke these stereotypes and brought racial issues into the limelight. Cinema has also been able to grow substantially over the years in the terms of representation. From films like “Within Our Gates” that created a narrative of white supremacy to films like “Black Panther” that showcased a black superhero for the first time on a grand scale.

  • Instructions/Subject:

Write an essay that argues and explains the evolution/change/growth of racial issues, ideologies, and representations in film/cinema history. Give examples of films, and other events that might have helped influenced/aid the growth/change/evolution of cinema throughout the years. Draw references to films such as “Birth of a Nation” and “Within Our Gates”
Provide works cited page as well.

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