Railway system Threats

Part 1 use Transportation sector as a focus and Railway systems as the Node and links for the area of concern.
You have depicted a specific network from within your sector graphically and presented your depiction to your classmates and instructor. This week, you will explore in depth the nodes, assets, and links within your selected network.
In 2 pages, deliver a preliminary view of the assets, nodes, and links in your network. Be concise, yet comprehensive. The following elements should be included in the paper: Describe each node, asset, and link in the network. If these are too numerous, you may elect to describe types of assets and links. Using the Lower Colorado Dams as an example, it is important to realize that dams can produce hydroelectric power; serve as storage sites by creating a reservoir for drinking, irrigation, and recreation; or primarily provide diversion by directing water for other uses. Some dams may also serve all of these functions. Consider and describe the threats that might impact each node or type of node. Links may be critical too, but absorb these in considering threats to your nodes. For example, if a road links 2 power production facilities, and its impassibility in the winter means employees do not make it to work, you should simply cast this threat in terms of how it impacts the node. In other words, there is a threat of employees not reporting to work

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