“Reality” of a story in our mind.

Read: Nakamura Lin’ s https://pankmagazine.com/piece/the-sole-keeper and Sparks’ https://usflearn.instructure.com/courses/1378170/files/88636178/download?wrap=1
Write An analytical response that examines how we as readers construct the “reality” of a story in our mind. Use these questions as a guide: What do we prioritize in the stories we read? What do we focus on? How do we get invested in a story? How do we get invested (especially) in stories that could not happen, such as those in sci-fi or fantasy? Do we easily accept presentations of reality that are not part of our worldly understanding? Why? How do we decipher the capital-T Truth hiding behind the fiction, especially fantastical texts? Your response should be around 250 words.

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