Rebuttal argument essay

In the researched rebuttal argument essay, you will research a problem in society that directly affects you because of some element of your identity. Where can your voice make a difference in this world? Think about areas you are personally passionate about or a topic that allows you to learn about something important to you.
In this discussion you will brainstorm and create a topic proposal so that, with the collaboration of your peers and your instructor, you can be sure to develop a thorough understanding of the complexity of your topic.
You should spend approximately 2 hours on this assignment.

  1. For your Module 5 Assignment: Researched Rebuttal Argument Essay, you will write a rebuttal argument to a specific person or organization’s position argument. Consider the following topic choice guidelines:
    o Choose an issue that affects you personally because of some element of your identity. You can explore topic ideas in the CCCOnline Library’s Points of View Reference Center database if you need help brainstorming.
    o Find a person or organization who holds an opinion that you disagree with. You will construct your essay in opposition/rebuttal to their specific arguments.
  2. Think: Brainstorm topic ideas that interest and affect you, and potentially affect your community and beyond. Then find a specific argument on that topic that you disagree with. Consider the specific points or arguments that person or organization makes on the topic.
  3. Write: Write a topic proposal for your essay. Include the following information:
    o What issue will you write about, and how does it affect you personally?
    o Whose position, specifically, will you refute (which person or organization)?
    o What is this person’s position on your topic?
    o What is your position on the topic?
    o List five main arguments that the person or organization (your audience/opposition) has on this topic that you will argue against.
    o List 2-3 possible sources.

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