Recognize the knowledge, skills, and strengths you bring to your FlexPath experience.

Earlier in this orientation, you learned how FlexPath works and what’s expected of you as a FlexPath learner. For this assessment, you will create a personal FlexPath Action Plan. Creating this plan will give you the opportunity to reflect on what you’ve learned, consider your strengths and anticipated challenges, and develop a plan to put your decisions into action.

Remember that this plan is for you. Creating it will help you:
Recognize the knowledge, skills, and strengths you bring to your FlexPath experience.
Gain clarity about expectations and habits you may need to change to succeed in FlexPath.
Create a realistic plan for fitting FlexPath course work into your life.
Prepare for your first meeting with your FlexPath coach.
Begin your first academic course feeling empowered and ready to deal with challenges.

For each of the categories below, reflect on the topic and questions, and consider what you have learned so far during this orientation. When you complete this document, return to the courseroom and follow the assessment directions to submit it for evaluation.

Unpack Your Expectations
In the blank space below, write a 1−2 paragraph summary of your responses to the following questions. Be specific about your strategies: the skills you will use and changes you plan to make in order to succeed in FlexPath.
Think back over your years learning at home, school, and work.
What were those experiences like for you?
What assumptions about education and learning have you developed as a result of those experiences?
How can you use skills you have gained in the workplace to help you as an independent learner?
Now think about what you just learned about FlexPath.
What expectations did you start with, and how did those change? What most appeals to you? What surprised you?
Is there anything about the FlexPath model that might be a challenge for you?
What changes do you plan to make in how you approach learning and education in order to succeed in FlexPath?

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