Recommendation Report Proposal

Choose one of the following options and write a recommendation report that explains your choice:

Hydrogen or electric vehicles
Wind or solar energy
Self-driving or regular vehicles
Plastics or compostable/degradable goods
You may also propose your own topic, but make sure that you follow these guidelines. All proposed topics should

include two closely related choices
should be old enough so that information is available in library resources
should not be something you have already written about in another course
It may be best to consider one facet in depth, such as purchase cost, efficiency, and cost to use when considering the cost of light bulbs, for example. Your report may focus only on “The costs of LED and CFL bulbs” or “Land-use efficiency when growing GMOs and organic food.” You may choose from any facet, but cost and efficiency are the easiest to find information on. You may also discuss how well the new technology works, how efficient it is, and the drawbacks of implementation. Make sure that you define your criteria, though. This report is not a compare and contrast paper from English class. Instead, it is a report that uses specific criteria such as initial purchase cost, availability of infrastructure, or environmental impact to discuss both choices.


i.Purpose – “I propose to … (research). ENGI 2304 Technical communications fall 2021 (academic). I am wondering whether. I plan to research whether. I am curious as to whether…
ii.Background: major, reason for interest.
iii.Scope: what will be covered? (State your criteria)
iv.What will not be covered?
i.Approach: Elaborate on three criteria.
ii.Result: I will decide, which option I, Will recommend.
iii.Statement of work: list tasks.
iii.Equipment: library, computers, specs, …
ii.Time: grantt chart, …
Topics: page 16 (1 topics, 2 headlines – options, 3 examples)
Energy: electric, hydroelectric, solar, wind, natural gas, coal, nuclear, geothermal, …
Examples of criteria: cost (purchase price, reliability, overall mileage, longevity, environmental factors, psychological factors, social factors,

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