
Discuss how recycling impact the environment as well as human health.

Provide a brief history of recycling that leads to today, how we have swirling gyres of trash all over the oceans that are larger than the size of Texas and still growing and killing aquadic life focus more on Utah and where they are at with recycling.

How often do they take it out? Where (Who) does it go to be taken out?

Does all of it become recycled or does a % of it get thrown in the trash instead?

Is there a program being made to improve the recycling in the University?

Explain the geography of Utah and how it is a large basin and not much trash or pollution can flow out of Utah during storms or runoffs.

Discuss the Spanish Fork subject (in Utah) how they had a landfill issue when they build businesses on it.

Discuss how some local native Americans are able to survive and only have a bag of bottles and trash for a whole year, while everything else is is biodegradable or recycled.

Compare that to the consumer way of life we live in and how much we waste.

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