Reflection to ‘The Hunting Ground‘

Please watch “The Hunting Ground” documentary movie, and write the reflection. I will provide the instruction flle.

1) Summarize the film/documentary (briefly) and your initial response to it. What is its context, starting point, and aims? Did it make you feel uncomfortable in any way or challenge any of your assumptions, and did you experience difficulty in understanding or relating to any part of this work? If so, try to identify what it was that you did not understand or that made you feel uncomfortable. Concentrate on your personal experience and your reaction, asking yourself, “Why did I feel like this?”
2) When relevant to your discussion, describe who you perceive to be the intended audience, thinking in terms of race, gender, ethnicity, age, class, etc. What response does the film’s message seems to elicit? Do you sense that approval, disapproval, or some other response would result? On what basis?
3) Include in your essay a brief statement about how watching this film/documentary compares to how you normally spend your time. What makes this different from, or similar to, those you normally might attend?
4) Critique the film/documentary by connecting it to an article/chapter or theory within the field of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. Use this knowledge to relate the piece to an exploration of the dynamics of gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, and class. In what ways does the work and/or its message reflect upon ideas of justice, equality, power, cultural difference, social practices, etc.? Consider in this statement what specific elements about this film/documentary link it to Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. It is crucial that you respond fully on this topic.
5) Go beyond description of the piece you view to a reflection of its effects on you and a short critical analysis of it. A reflection should look retrospectively back at the experience and discuss its emotional, theoretical, and/or social impact on you. If the purpose has been to inform, has the material been presented clearly, accurately, with order and coherence? If the purpose has been to challenge or to persuade, can you provide evidence or logical reasoning to support these claims? If the purpose was to entertain, how did it affect your emotions? Did it make you want to laugh, cry, or be angry? Why?
6) Consider creatively the most effective way to reflect succinctly on what you have learned from viewing this film/documentary in your written essay and analysis.

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