
In a 2 to 3 page APA formatted document (cover page, abstract, references, and attachments do not count toward the page count), prepare and submit a reflective essay looking back on the BUSN 499 course and your academic program of study. The intent is to prepare a reflective write-up that frames the benefits of an ePortfolio, resume, cover letter and other professional resources to showcase your achievements and to denote your future ambitions.


In a 3-page minimum document, prepare and submit a reflective essay looking back on the BUSN 499 course and your academic program of study in total.
The intent is to prepare a reflective write-up that frames the benefits of an ePortfolio, resume, cover letter, and previous course work, and to denote the APU/AMU program will help you to achieve your future goals.
What would you change courses and what courses would you keep the same?
Follow APA format for structure

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