Relevance of law in a business environment

In your case law analysis you must be able to navigate the court’s decision, and summarize and evaluate tt.
You may choose any business-related court case, either state or federal. as the basis for your case law
executive briefing, as jong as the case is applicable to the assessment topic. You are expected to conduct
your own independent research to locate and evaluate the applicability of cases. A few appropriate case
law websites are recommended for you in the Resources, but you are not limited to using cases from these

For this assessment, use credible legal research databases and online resources, research federal and
state court cases, and select any business-related case that has been decided by a state court, a federal
court, or the United States Supreme Court. Then select an organization (potentially the organization for
which you work) that you believe the selected case might impact. Write an executive briefing that
addresses the following:

Research federal and state court cases pertaining to the topic of business entities. Select one court case
and write an analysis that addresses the following:

  1. Articulate the context and relevance of law in a business environment: -Identify the parties who are
    before the court.

°Provide a brief background and context associated with the case. Summarize the facts in 2 paragraphs.
eldentify the specific disagreement between the parties.

Explain the ruling of the court and its business relevance in no more than 1-2 paragraphs. Was there a
dissenting opinion? If so, explain why some of the judges or justices disagreed with the majority in the

2.Evaluate the business impact of the case: «Summarize your analysis of how the case will impact
businesses in general, including both positive and negative impacts.

Indicate the organization you selected as potentially impacted by the case and why you selected that

Explain how the case will impact the specific organization you selected, such i i ‘ ae . :
understand the implications of the legal decision. Online – Contact support

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