Research a broadcast station

Here is the radio station’s website :

Find out what you can about your chosen broadcast station/organization. Specifically, focus on getting answers to the following questions. If the information isn’t there, just indicate that in your answer (but make a note to yourself that the station isn’t serving the public very well if it isn’t providing easy-to-access information):

Mission: What are the stated goals of the station? What do they stand for? What do they hope to achieve? Do they have a mission statement or slogan?
Economics: Who sponsors them? View (for television) or listen (for radio) to a few hours of programming on your chosen broadcast station. Identify at least 10 of the station’s advertisers/sponsors (i.e., watch/listen to the commercials). Provide a list of these sponsors. Who is their target market or target audience? How do these advertisers attempt to persuade the people they are targeting?
Ownership: Who owns the station/organization? Trace the ownership foodchain up to the corporation or conglomerate that owns the station.
Affiliations: Are they affiliated with other groups? If so, which ones? If you can judge a person by the company they keep, what do these affiliations tell you about the organization you have chosen to research?
Involvement: How can you participate with this station? List any actions this groups suggests you might take to become more involved with media.

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