Research Methodology Applied to Data Analysis.



Research Methodology Applied to Data Analysis. • Presentation of Data and Results of Analysis. • Summary. • Reference • o In the Sample section – very briefly describe the sample of your mini-study, e.g. online learners (no names) who met the main criterion of eligibility – having the experience you are investigating – learning online or participating in residencies. o In Research Methodology Applied to Analysis – Step-by-step data analysis procedure in your methodology – o Presentation of results – o – Present​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ation of Results. o Present the results of your analysis in this format: Theme #1 – 1 paragraph description Pattern 1.1 – 2-3 sentences brief description • Supported by meaning units – direct quotes from participants with the code at the end of the line in parentheses (code) • Meaning units (code) Pattern 1.2 – 2-3 sentences brief description •


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