Research of Literature and Annotated Bibliography

Common Questions:

–How long does each annotation need to be?

Annotations should be around 150-200 words each. A couple sentences will not suffice and is not considered a thorough review of that article.

–For the discussion requirement of the assignment: How long does the discussion of my topic need to be (the one that is presented first, prior to annotated bibliography)?

The discussion of your topic could be about a paragraph or two (there is not a set word count for this, just ensure it is thorough and well thought out).

–For the review of research literature: what do they mean by that? Is that different than the annotated bibliography?

They are looking for a review of the specific data presented in the research, the numerical outcomes, versus a summary of the article itself. It is wanting you to discuss quantitative information of the research that you find. This is not the same as the annotated bibliography (which would be more of a summary). You will complete this section first prior to completing your annotated bibliography.

–For the third requirement: How do we choose the theoretical research articles? Are these based on any theory or one that is relevant to my topic?

For this one, they are wanting 5-6 articles on the theoretical topic that you will be using as the basis of your program (such as, mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, family systems, etc.). These articles need to be specific to the theoretical foundation that you will be using when creating your program. For the other 5-6 articles they are wanting them surrounding your behavioral health program (find research regarding similar programs that you are doing your proposal on). You will need to present 10-12 articles total.

Also – please check DQ2 for this week as I have posted a couple very helpful resources to help you ensure that your annotated bibliographies are formatted and completed correctly.

Additionally –

The tables, graphs, figures, charts, etc. will not be part of the annotated bibliography. This information will be presented first and separately. There is not a specific number of articles that you need to find with tables, graphs, etc. You can even create your own tables, graphs, etc. with the data that you find in these articles. The main objective in this first part of the assignment is to support the premise of your program proposal through authoritative research.

The directions state to first:

Discuss how the concept or topic of identified research applies to the proposal project. Make sure to include a review of research literature of data that may include: tables, graphs, figures, charts, and infographics depicting support of the main premise of the research proposal.
The “concept or topic of identified research” would be your theoretical foundation and the information that you research about a similar type of program that you are intending to do for your proposal (as well as research supporting why the program your are proposing is a need). You will provide a review of the quantitative data in these articles. You would then use this quantitative data to support the need for the program that you are proposing. You do not need to do this for all 10-12 articles, just for the articles that support the main premise of your proposal.

The directions then state to complete a separate annotated bibliography (with the following expectations):

  1. Develop an annotated bibliography with five to six theoretical based research articles (empirical) and five to six references in the specific content in the behavioral health emphasis (10-12 total). A minimum of eight of the resources in the bibliography must come from your own research. You may use two –four resources provided in this course.

So the first discussion and review of literature will be separate from the annotated bibliography. I have provided resources in the DQ2 to assist everyone in completed the bibliography correctly and in APA format.

I hope you all find this information helpful.

Conduct a thorough literature search of the topic chosen to research for a community-based behavioral health organization.
Discuss how the concept or topic of identified research applies to the proposal project. Make sure to include a review of research literature of data that may include: tables, graphs, figures, charts, and infographics depicting support of the main premise of the research proposal.
Develop an annotated bibliography with five to six theoretical based research articles (empirical) and five to six references in the specific content in the behavioral health emphasis (10-12 total). A minimum of eight of the resources in the bibliography must come from your own research. You may use two – four resources provided in this course.

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