Research on the threats to your organization and findings.


For this assignment you will research the threats to your organization and provide a detailed paper on your findings. Consider the factors listed below. Remember the given outline from Module One is there for your use and will continue to be very helpful as we finish up the SWOT. This outline is a great tool for getting your different sections fully completed and researched. Remember this paper on the threats to your organization will become the fifth section of your overall SWOT
Each of these threats must come from a force or forces occurring within a dimension of the general environment within the organization’s external environment (keep in mind a threat can stem from more than one dimension within the general environment). Be sure to include in your analysis the relevant dimension of the general environment from which each of these forces is derived.
Factors to consider when you think about company threats:
• An increased number of new companies offering similar products that shift the customer away from the company’s brand.
• The physical environment (Is your building in a growing part of town? Is the bus company cutting routes?).
• Changes in the law and government regulations that drive costs of running the business to increase.
• Future trends in the economy and changes in the age, race, gender, and culture of those you serve in your area.



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