This paper will use R studio, and the writer must be able to use R studio because, after the proposal, I will let the writer do the research paper. The proposal should include why the topic is interesting, how you will obtain data, and how you estimate equations of interest. There are Introduction of the paper structure: The paper will discuss why you chose the topic, economic model, econometrics specification, data, and empirical finding.
I. Title page.
II. Abstract. This should be less than 50 words and summarize the topic, methodology, and main findings. It should appear on your title page.
III. Introduction. This section should state the nature and objectives of the project along with a brief review of any relevant literature. Make sure to provide some background or motivation for why your project is interesting.
IV. Description of the model. The model should be clearly stated and any equations carefully explained. You should write out the econometric model you plan to estimate, and discuss the expected impact of the exogenous variables in your model.
V. Data description and model estimation. You should use the techniques developed in class to analyze your data and estimate your model. Make sure to describe the dataset you are using by providing summary statistics of important variables. Your results should be reported and discussed in this section and could include: parameter estimates, standard errors, t-statistics, F-statistics, R-squared, tests for autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, and possible multicollinearity, as appropriate.
VI. Conclusion. Review the major findings as well as possible extensions for future work. Make sure to mention any limitations of your approach as well as alternative explanations of your results. Policy implications, if any, could also be included in this section.
VII. Tables and graphs. Your paper must include at least one table and one graph. The tables and graphs should be well-labeled and accessible to the reader—do not merely print out your regression output with cryptic variable names. Appendix If you have a lot of regression results or other details in your theoretical/statistical model that merits to be included yet, they may distract the reader, you may include them in an appendix.