How have you established the importance of the broad topic or why the topic/themes are interesting?
Have you used statistics or history? Why or why not?
How do you let the reader know what to expect in the paper?
How do you establish the topic’s relationship to the themes in a thesis?
This should be one or two sentences that note the major themes
Literature Review
This is where you establish what previous work has said about your topic/themes
What do we know based on previous work? How does the work fit together to give us an understanding
Speak to the themes and use sources to back up your point
You want to weave the literature together to tell a story
Do you have a brief introduction to outline your sections and let the reader know what to expect?
Do you have clear transitions between thoughts (e.g., linking one idea, paragraph, or section to the next)?
Do you have some kind of conclusion to each theme section to let the reader know what the major takeaways are?
Have you focused on tying authors together based on the theme, rather than talking about each article one-by-one?
Did you establish your guiding questions toward the beginning of each section to give structure to what you aim to answer?