Researching the SEC

Research and discuss the SEC’s company filings requirements-
Describe how investors can use the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) httpSIllwww-sec-govledgar/searchedgar/webusers-htm to quickly
research a company’s financial information filed on Forms 10-K and 10-0-
Identify the differences between the Annual Report send to shareholders and the Annual Report on Form 10-K, Which must be filed With the SEC-
Describe the contents of:
0 Form 10-K SEC filings
0 Management Discussion and Analysis
0 Auditors’ Report
0 Selected Financial Data
Discuss how the SEC”s requirement for domestic and foreign companies using US GAAP to provide their financial statements in the XBRL format
can improve financial reporting?
Most publicly traded companies are examined by numerous analysts- Find analysts’ ratings about a company of your choice by visiting
bizyahoocomll- Provide a comparison over time and across companies in the same industry by answering the following questions:

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