Respective approaches to advocacy.



Respond to at least two of your colleagues and compare your respective approaches to advocacy. Does your method need to change based on the social problem or geographic region? With APA CITATION AND REFRANCES



Identify the title of the Social Justice Brief you selected.
The title of the selection is Social Work’s Role in Responding to Intimate Partner Violence. Social workers are essential because they can support legislation changes and can help implement public policies to address Domestic violence (NASW, n/d). The social justice brief

Explain why you chose the Social Justice Brief.
The chosen selection increased awareness of the importance of social workers, complexities, a preventable severe public health problem, and the many forms of abuse. Usually, the perpetrators are in close relations (NASW, n/d). The brief brought back memories of my experiences and depicted great information, adding protective factors essential for families or individuals. As a person who knows all too well what the long-term effects are, I also see the importance of promoting resilience within yourself and the essentials for seeking treatment strategies, which is why I am in the field of study.

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