Khan, S. A. (2011). Convergence, Divergence or Middle of the Path: HRM Model for Oman. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol 12 (1): 76-87.
Read the paper carefully and answer the following questions given below. Your answers must be comprehensive and well supported by published HR research and discourse.
Important: There is no right or wrong answer, the objective of this assignment is to evaluate your understanding of HR issues and its underpinning in terms of its thematic prescription. You can support and reject the argument raised by the author by citing relevant references and anecdotes.
Answer these Questions.
- Summarise the paper, and comment on the merit of the paper which is arguing for a separate HRM Model for Oman.
- Do you think (based on the argument raised in the paper) a distinct HRM Model for the Saudi Arabia can be advocated? If yes, how and why? If No, why? Substantiate your answer with adequate references. (500-600 Words)