Revision my essay


Revision the esaay that included in the files
1- thesis statement is not an announcement nor is it a list.

2- a well-developed introduction.

3- transitions between paragraphs are smooth and thoughtful. I am not reverting to First, second, …

4- have internalized the words and phrases to avoid (listed below) so that I can easily edited them out of my essay.

5-am using Microsoft Word and I will submit a .doc or .docx file.

6-The first line of every paragraph is properly indented.

7- entire paper is properly double spaced with no extra skipped lines.

8- have changed the default font to Arial font size 12.

9-have correctly created a Header with last name on upper right corner, or I have requested a template.

10- have properly inserted page numbers or I have requested a template.

11- heading (not header) on first page only, is on the upper left of the page and includes 4 lines of information.

12- have a meaningful title centered between my heading and first paragraph.

13- title is not bold.

14- title is not underlined.

15- title is not italicized.

16- title is the same size font, Arial 12, as the rest of the paper.

17- have identified my thesis statement by underlining or changing its font to red.

18- have cross referenced my Works Cited with my in-text citations so that every citation in my essay is in my Works Cited list and every entry in my Works Cited is referenced in my essay.

19- in-text citations are properly formatted.

20- Works Cited page is properly titled and formatted.

21-have proofread for proper punctuation.

22- have proofread to ensure proper use of capital letters.

23- understand that non-specific pronouns are vague and I have omitted them in favor of descriptive terms.

24-have proofread to make sure I am not asking questions in my writing.

25- have revised my essay several times. I am not submitting a rough draft.

*avoid the following words along with their variations:

In other words
I believe
For example
In my opinion
Webster defines
In contrast
On the other hand
In comparison
In conclusion
As stated above
As I said before

Society level and Homeownership in American Dream
Equality in achieving homeownership in the United States has increased to 64.20 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017 from 63.90 percent in the third quarter of 2017. In fact, it provides an excellent opportunity for an individual to fulfill their American dream of becoming a wealthy person.
(The national homeownership rate reached 69.2 percent in the midst of a housing boom in 2004. But it tumbled during the Great Recession and foreclosure crisis, according to the government-controlled mortgage company Freddie Mac, before bottoming out at 62.9 percent in the second quarter of 2016 and climbing to 64.2 percent late last year.)
(Amy Kielmeyer.)
An equal opportunity which everyone has the same goal but, different meaning.
Every individual is looking to live a perfect which shown in the American dream project. Through honesty and hard work, can become whatever they dream of, regardless where are you from or your identity, nothing matters, what one does with the opportunity they receive is what makes the changes. One of the jewels of American dream society is homeowning and that what makes American dream more attractive to the individual to change from poverty to wealth.
There was a golden age in American dream between the 50s and 60s which helps individual succeeding on doing and achieving on owning home and what the individual wants to do to make his or her life better.
Also, there was a lot of free education which helps the individual to grow up in a right way in the society and gives excellent opportunity to achieve a better life as a teaching method to the investment invariable returned in better business and the higher standard of living.
(HOME, among other programs such as the Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program and Community Development Block Grants, are at risk of being eliminated even though they are necessary for providing homeownership opportunities.) Haycox, Karen.
Homeowning as know about it and agree with it because this helps the individual to explore itself to develop and become better life in society. Poor people fight to survive and upper medial class fight for power. The concentration of wealth yield concentration of power and the equality comes from mostly super wealth. Privileged and power sectors have never like democracy and for a perfect reason. Principle justice put power into the hands of the general wealth population like Tax policy, court, etc. Political measure to increase the concentration of wealth and power which intern yield more political ability to do the same thing over and over. It seems like a cycle goes back to wealth by Concentration forcing organization in the society. Democracy put powers into the hands of the general population and takes it away from them. Everything develops more by time and change as shows as what the society represented. The point of view of the independent life for individual and affect the thought and change it to weaker to only start with influence thought by saying :(you are just supposed to care about yourself). Is help democracy a lot for the noun of the deprived society would strong to change or affect the community on their side. No, one is responsible for other no matter who could close from you. Trapped for most of the individual who was not born as rich or cannot afford right life, would hold a significant debt all his life because of the education to achieve what is better for life. The belief of increasing wealth through democracy commonly referred to as the “American dream.” Chomsky criticizes the American dream, saying that it is a fallacy to keep the middle and lower-class hopeful of economic growth and a greater concentration of power by working hard. He argues that it is much harder to chase the American dream nowadays because the elite are raking in all the new wealth. Noam finishes by saying that “inequality has highly negative consequences on the society as a whole.”
In the 1950s, it was 22% which is more poor society than today which is 12.7%.
In fact, today life has much more vibrant society than poor society but does not mean it would be easy to be rich. Owning houses is a central part of the American dream. That has been so for the longest time, but now feared the millennials might not be able to fulfill the dream and home ownership would remain a distant dream for them. Forbes Magazine has introduced American Dream Index, which is done by seven statistical measurements, measuring material prosperity regarding entrepreneurship, labor participation rate, unemployment claims, etc. This way of characterization of the American dream is entirely different than the original spirit of the thought. This dream of owning one’s own house was an obsession of the American citizen in the earlier decades but bring the same goal now might not reflect the interest of today’s population. Conversations during that era were about finding appropriate homes, as homes were a place of intense feelings. A little push towards achieving the goal of making a house can take a wrong turn and might be detrimental to the economy and the country. A different approach should take where America as an equal society with having same opportunities to reach their potential capabilities followed. Now after the recession period families barely earn enough to keep them in a better place. Taxes have become expensive, and education has become more expensive which are making lives of Americans hell. Without knowledge and proper life structure no one can fulfill their dream of achieving the status they are capable of, life is not about the material goods, but it is about ideals. America always wanted all its citizens to receive the same status and opportunities and a dream of a social order where equality prevails everywhere. Such a model based on American principles; it promised for a better future for all and provided as an ideal model of success for the whole world. While every aspect of life is turning more expensive by the day, it is hardly affecting the top one percent earring categories. The higher up in the ladder, the higher their net worth and income has grown over the past four decades. America’s growth had made them beneficiaries, and even the recession did not affect them as severely as it did on others. There has been a demand for these one percent populations to pay more taxes and the bridge between the two classes needs to be narrowed down for the betterment of the country. These upper-middle-class populations have been able to surpass the middle levels on these five grounds: income, health, longevity, education, and family structure. They belong to the class who dominate the education system, enjoy better public services have healthy bodies, live in the best neighborhoods. They can pass on all these advantages to their children. They also protect their rights and economic status and make the destitute student not able to get better financial opportunities as education is expensive along with it many colleges function on legacy, exclusion zoning and there are restrictions on the immigrant’s earnings and prospects of jobs they get. America a class-based society and not a land of equal opportunities as wealthier kids climb the ladders whereas more impoverished kids stay at the bottom. The changes in the policy might help in bettering the conditions for example availability of contraceptives, preventing legacy entry in colleges, curbing tax expenditures of the upper middle classes and providing a universal child allowance for the children to have better future. The wage gap between black and white should also have to reduce by changing the racist and discriminatory policies of the government. But not always putting forward sensible policies are comfortable in politics. The upper middle classes can play a vital role in changing the scenario by voting for higher taxes giving others fair chance and an opportunity to share the wealth. But the members of this class believe in they have everything because they deserve so than those below them. They do not support the government policies benefitting others apart from the elites.

• Lowrey, A. (2018). The Hoarding of the American Dream. [online] The Atlantic. Available at [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].
• (2018). Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].
• Shiller, R. (2018). The Transformation of the ‘American Dream.’ [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].
• The Economist. (2018). The cost of the American dream. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].

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