

The post contains three asighnments

1:Are some revolutions more international than others?

2: Data analysis

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Chapter 17, “Inferential Statistics”
Chapter focuses on inferential statistics, which are based on the laws of probability. It introduces sampling distributions, estimates of parameters, and levels of significance. Chapter too provides an overview of some of the most commonly used inferential statistical tests, including t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and chi-square tests.
Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing – With Access 10TH 17
Author: Polit, Denise F.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4963-0023-2
ISBN-10: 1-4963-0023-8
Edition/Copyright: 10TH 17
Publisher: Lippincott-Raven Publishers
As a nurse engaged in evidence-based practice, it is important to recognize how statistics and other data analysis tools are used to generate and assess evidence. Most nurses need only a foundational understanding of statistical tools and terminology to understand the majority of research studies. As a nurse, you should be able to recognize the most commonly used statistical tests, how and when they are used, and how significance is determined.
Examine different types of statistics and statistical tests, when and why these particular tests would be selected for use, and, most importantly, what the results indicate.

3:On the corner of bitter and sweet

Discrimination has always been a thread woven into the fabric of American society. Ford’s Keiko Okake of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet book highlights such discrimination. The book’s main character, Keiko Okake, a Japanese American is faced with internal conflict immediately after Japan’s surprise bombing attack on Pearl Harbor. Born sometime in the 1930’s, Keiko is a first generation American. In other words, both of her parents immigrated from Japan to the United States for a better life. A year after the turn of the decade in 1941, Keiko’s and her parents’ loyalty is immediately questions after the bombing on Pearl Harbor. The Okake’s, however, are not alone. Like Keiko and her parents, other Japanese’s, regardless of their generational birth, loyalty also came under attack. Thought she hated Keiko feels that it is important to be herself and maybe others will follow. “ That’s fine. Be who you are”. She said, turning away, a look of disappointment in her eyes. “ But I’m an American”.(60). Keiko is very disappointed that her best friend, Henry is trying to be someone he is not. Henry is Chinese, so because Japanese and Chinese look the same Henry’s father makes him wear a pin on his shirt specifying that he is Chinese. Keiko thinks that wearing a pin is stupid. It shows a sign of weakness because you don’t want to be questioned or even stopped by the police. Everyone has ancestors some people are proud of then but others like are not. Being of a Japanese decent make Keiko Okake and easy target for people of society. She is bullied and shunned because she is of Japanese descent. When she walks into stores she is refuse to serve, when she walks the street she is looked at her funny. “I don’t feel very giving, or grateful. Just angry,” Keiko said. “ I was born here. I don’t even speak Japanese. Still, all these people everywhere I go….. they hate me”. (114). Keiko is feeling the pain of something the Japanese army did. The United States feels that all there Japanese citizens could be spies for Japan. They fear that because of this Japan can plan another attack right under their noses. Keiko is proud of her heritage that she hates. Keiko Okabe is Japanese, her friend Henry is Chinese. Henry’s father hates Japanese people and makes Henry wear a pin that says “I am Chinese”. Keiko is a character who believes that a person should be judged by who they are not where they are from.

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