Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorically analyze the article, examining various elements of its rhetorical situation: • Define the rhetorical situation surrounding the text by identifying its audience, constraints, exigence, genre, Kairos, points of value, appeals, situational context at Charles Hay, etc. What journal was it published in, and who is its audience? What specific audiences does the article seem to target and why? How might the text affect different audiences in different ways? What audiences are less emphasized—or possibly excluded from—the article’s appeals? • Identify the author’s ethos and purpose. Note the text’s uses/limits (in Harris’s sense of those terms). What do you think the author’s purpose is? Do you think they are effective in achieving their purpose? • Analyze rhetorical strategies/choices employed by the author that affect the text’s meaning or overall project. How do specific word choices or lines of argument affect different types of readers? • Make an argument about why the article’s rhetorical effects matter. You have many options for this component. Choosing one to emphasize will probably be most effective. Here are a few possibilities: o Uses of Article: Explain how your rhetorical analysis clarifies different ways audiences might use this article. In what rhetorical situations (school, home, tutoring session, library, etc.) would this text be useful? For whom (students, teachers, tutors, parents, librarians, etc.)? Why? Toward what end? How might teachers, tutors, or other audiences use the article’s ideas in various settings (school, extracurricular programs, tutoring, teacher training seminars, etc.)? And/or, you may consider what’s rhetorical risky about the article, its limits, etc. o How-to Guide: In the spirit of Dirk’s essay, explain what your readers can learn about how to write a peer-reviewed article for teachers based on the article you analyzed. If your readers were going to try to write an article for teachers, what are the genre conventions they should consider? What would they need to do in their writing to appeal to this audience?

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