Rhetorical analysis

How does analysis differ from the response? As you recall from our previous assignment, responding to a text requires that you introduce your own opinion/perspective to an existing idea/set of ideas. In other words, for a response, you were asked to integrate ideas and information from sources with your own ideas.

In an analysis, however, you will be asked to provide an objective assessment of the text. Where response includes personal opinion and background knowledge, analysis involves a close reading/viewing of a text to determine two things: What function the text serves and how it performs this function. Personal opinions, agreements, and/or disagreements (e.g. “I think, I feel, I believe…”) are NOT part of an analysis.

Pre-writing goals and tasks: We will familiarize ourselves with the function of analysis and how it is done. To this end, you need to read “Analytical Thinking, Analytical Writing” by Ryan Flaherty (beginning on page 289 of your textbook, The Warrior Writer). We will review this chapter in class as well as practice analysis in various forms. The following are several questions we will consider for rhetorical analysis:

1) What is the difference between subjective and objective and why does it matter?

2) What is rhetoric? What are the rhetorical techniques?

3) How do we determine an author/artist’s rhetorical purpose?

Final paper assignment:

For the final paper, you will be asked to write a rhetorical analysis of “Am I Blue?” by Alice Walker. Your project will include a thesis that details your rhetorical analysis, informing the reader of the author’s rhetorical purpose (what) and the techniques used to achieve her purpose (how). You will then use examples from the text to argue your thesis/analysis to your reader.

There is some question that is in the book which I would post on the files
This is am I blue link

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