Rhetorical Analysis essay

Write a 1000-1500-word essay in which you analyze and evaluate the overall effectiveness of one of the Essay Options for your Rhetorical Analysis. As you work towards completing a draft where, as a writer, you will need to adhere to the conventions of this particular genre and often consider rhetorical strategies from both the perspective of the author and intended audience, keep in mind four of the Threshold Concepts for this course:

[RHETORIC] Rhetoric provides a method for studying the work that language and writing do
[ACTION] Writing is a form of action. Through writing people respond to problems and can create change in the world.
[CONTEXT] The meanings and the effects of writing are contingent on situation, on readers, and on a text’s purposes/uses.
[CHOICES] Writing is a process of deliberation. It involves identifying and enacting choices, strategies, and moves.

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