Rick assesment

Now that you have completed your assessment of Rick, what additional information would you want to obtain in order to more fully understand this case? Develop 3 assessment questions and your rationale for collecting this information Rick’s assesment Rick is a 28-year-old, single man of Vietnamese origin living with his parents, two sisters (aged 22 and 17), and a widowed aunt. Rick has another sister who is married and lives nearby. Rick came to the United States with his family sixteen years ago. He speaks English quite fluently, but continues to feel very self-conscious and attributes his “language problems” to having a limited social life. He describes being depressed most of the time for as long as he can remember. Rick reports that he has no motivation and feels tired all the time. He has trouble even making himself shower. The few activities he has any interest in are watching basketball games on TV and eating his mother’s delicious cooking. When he is alone in the house, he sometimes cries “for no reason.” Rick sleeps at least ten hours each night and naps during the day. He denies any intent to harm himself, but does say that he thinks it would be easier for everyone if he were to die. Rick has no history of psychiatric hospitalizations or suicide attempts. Rick’s father, in particular, is upset with him. Rick has refused to work in the family business for the last two years. Rick says this was prompted by his father yelling at him for being “lazy” when not doing a task quickly enough. Rick says his family does not understand why he does not work or even help out with household chores. He and his father speak very little to one another, while his female relatives alternate between encouraging him to do better and berating him. Rick’s family is Catholic, and his mother and sisters attend Mass at least once a week. Rick’s mother has asked her priest to speak to Rick, but Rick finds the priest’s attempts to talk to him awkward and unhelpful. “Father David told me that the way I feel might be God’s way of testing me. I told him that I’d failed that test,” Rick says, “I wish he’d just leave me alone.” Rick is afraid his family will put him out on the streets and he constantly worries about this possibility. He tells you he could never survive on his own and he doesn’t know what to do. One of the biological factors in Rick’s case is his family structure. Rick’s nuclear family is comprised of his two parents, three sisters, and himself. Rick gets the comfort of being with his family members, but he lacks the personal motivation to achieve his life desires and goals. His father plays his role well by reminding Rick to work hard. On the other hand, his mother cooks the delicious food that Rick enjoys eating. Comment: Biological – – 28 years old – male two sisters (aged 22 and 17), and a widowed aunt Rick’s constant feelings of depression, sleeping problems, and lack of motivation are the psychological factors in the case. Rick portrays an apparent state of depression based on his negative approach to life. His lack of motivation prevents him from finding a job despite the offer to work in the family business. He sleeps over ten hours each day. These factors are the reason he feels tired all the time. Comments Psychological – • Feels depressed • Sleeps over 10 hours • Cries easily for no reason • Lack of motivations • Difficulty with hygiene • Denies suicidal ideation • Feels tired Life in the United States provides the social/environmental factors in Rick’s case. His family relocated to the United States sixteen years ago. This has given them sufficient time to adapt to social and environmental factors such as language, work, and friend circles. Also, the act of his father being antisocial to Rick has played a significant role in shaping Rick’s feeling. Religion is also a social factor in the case. For instance, Rick’s mother and sisters attend Catholic mass every week. However, Rick and his father do not attend church. There is an apparent distance in their father-son relationship. However, he is close to his mother and sisters since they encourage him to do better with his life, unlike his father who says that he is lazy. Comment: • You have included some of the important Social elements of this case. • Social – • Lives at home with his parents and sister • -Unemployed • Immigrated from Viet Nam at age 12 • Does not believe he speaks English well • Fears his parents will kick him out of the house • Has no relationship with his father Despite Rick’s lack of motivation he also has some outstanding strengths and competencies. He loves his family, and he admits that he fears that he would not survive without them. He is also self-conscious, and he has no intention to harm himself or any other person and therefore strong enough to deal with psychological stresses. • Has no intention to harm himself or any other person • He loves his family • He is self-conscious • He has a good faith

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