Essay 1
Choose one of the following topics below, and write a five-paragraph essay. Remember to
- Prove your thesis from the text—no outside sources., I do require a Works Cited page, but there should only be one source.
- Make textnotes or in-text citations for all quotations or summaries that may be paraphrased (ideas from the story but written in your own words) to avoid plagiarism. Remember when a writer makes a textnote in a paragraph, the author and page number is needed. If the author’s name is stated in the sentence, the textnote needs only the page number. However, if the writer includes another quote from the same source in the same paragraph, only the page number is needed in the second textnote.
- Furthermore, look at chapter 14 (p. 277) in Writing about Literature for the format of the paper. Finally, the essay should be written in third person only. Use Essay Writing Tips and the Comma Rules Review, found in Blackboard in Essay Review,
to help with writing. The rubric has two sections pertaining to the format. Remember grammar is important, so use before summiting in the drop box.
Topic 1
Near the end of the story the narrator asks, “Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest and only dreamed a wild dream of a witch-meeting? (Hawthorne 614) Write an essay and use the text to prove your opinion.
Topic 2
How can a man with an ax aim to kill a cat and kill his wife instead? I’ve always found that point in the story interesting. What do you think? Did the narrator kill his wife accidentally or intentionally? Write an essay, giving your opinion, and prove it from the text.
Topic 3
Rip Van Winkle is considered to be the classic Romantic hero. Be sure to look at The New American Hero in the PowerPoint American Romanticism before making a decision. What do you think? Write an essay and prove your opinion from the text.