Rock and Mineral ID


1. Rock and Mineral ID (10 pts)
Use the image below to answer questions 1a – 1e.

1a.) Which of the 3 rock types is this rock? (2 pts)

1b.) Name 3 minerals present in this rock. (2 pts)

1c.) What is the texture of this rock? (2 pts)

1d.) What is the name of this rock? (2 pts)

1e.) In one complete sentence, briefly describe how this rock formed. *If your answer is copied and pasted from another source (i.e., plagiarized), you will receive a 0 for the entire exam* (2 pts)

2. Topographic Maps (30 pts)
Use the Mount Rainier West Quadrangle provided in the Lab Final module to answer questions 2a – 2j.

2a.) What is the contour interval of this map? (2 pts)


2b.) Calculate the ground distance in miles between points C and D on the map if the map distance is 1.25 inches. Remember, 1 foot = 12 inches and 1 mile = 5280 feet. Show all work and include units. Report answer with 2 decimal places. (1 pts)


2f.) What is the stream gradient (in units of feet/mile) between points A and B? SHOW ALL WORK TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT. Show units in work and round all numbers to the 2nd decimal place. (2 pt)



2g.) What is the direction of streamflow of Van Trump Creek? List 3 ways you know what the streamflow direction is. (8 pts)





2h.) What are the complete UTM coordinates of the Northwestern corner of this map?
(2 pts)


2i.) If the degrees of this map are 46°N and 121°W, then write out the complete latitude and longitude coordinates of the western graticule on the map. (2 pts)


2j.) Using the graph paper provided on Folio, draw a topographic profile along the Z-Z’ transect. Orient your graph paper in a landscape position and mark elevations so that each 1 inch square equals 2000 feet. (10 pts)

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