Role as a supervisor

Suzan has worked for Organization ABC for one year. During her 30-day review, Suzan received amazing scores from her supervisor. During her 60-day review, Suzan’s performance was deemed as acceptable, but her ability to communicate with her colleagues was lacking. During Suzan’s 90-day review, Suzan’s supervisor, at the time, expressed that her performance needed serious improvements. Unfortunately, Suzan’s supervisor noted the following:
Suzan did not provide her colleagues with messages from customers and vendors.
Suzan’s phone skills were ineffective, especially when interacting with customers.
Suzan’s temper was a concern and she often raised her voice when she became frustrated.
You have been hired to replace Suzan’s previous supervisor. Between Suzan’s 90-day review and presently (her annual review), you have noticed that Suzan’s performance still is a problem. Before her departure from the organization, Suzan’s past supervisor stated, “Suzan is nice; however, she is a horrible communicator. I cannot work with her, as she is such a challenge to deal with… Good luck, as Suzan is one of the worst employees of Organization ABC.”

During your first week in your new role as supervisor, you met with Suzan to understand more about her performance. She stated, “I am a hard worker; however, I only was told what I was doing wrong. I am willing to learn. Can you help me become the best employee for Organization ABC? I want to succeed in this role.”
As a supervisor, you know that you have various responsibilities. One of your responsibilities is to address performance deficiencies. Although Suzan was provided with a job description, which included detailed information about the critical nature of communication in her role, she needs additional support.
Examine pages 79 and 80 in your textbook. Then, create a plan, specific to Suzan’s needs, detailing how you will utilize the following to ensure improved performance:

  1. Observation and documentation
  2. Updates
  3. Feedback
  4. Resources
  5. Reinforcement
    For example, when thinking about observation and documentation, what might you do to keep track of Suzan’s performance? Why? When thinking about updates, how will you keep Suzan updated? Explain and justify your rationale for each of the five components and why you made the recommendations that you provided.

Paper 2:

Saudi Vision 2030 details the long-term goals that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) hopes to achieve. These ambitious goals are well defined, extremely detailed, and impact all levels of society. Review the message from HRH Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Aziz Al-Saud about Saudi Arabia’s Vision for the future:
After reviewing the vision statement from HRH Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Aziz Al-Saud and other components of Vision 2030, select an organization of your choice, which is located in the KSA. Then, address the following:
● Critique the organization’s mission statement, values, and vision.
● Explain the alignment, or lack thereof, of the selected organization’s mission, values, and vision with
Saudi Vision 2030.
● Address what improvements must be made to the organization’s mission statement, values, and vision
to ensure further alignment with Vision 2030.
● Explain why all organizations located in the KSA must align their strategy with Vision 2030.

Paper 3:

Comparative systems and absolute systems are two types of systems that can be used to evaluate employee performance and competencies. As discussed in Chapter 5, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with these systems.
As the newly hired HR Director for a large manufacturing organization, which makes parts for cell phones, you have been informed that the current performance evaluation system that is utilized is almost nonexistent. In fact, it has been almost three years since employees have been assessed. You have been asked by upper level management to do the following:
● Explain what type of performance evaluation system you would use to evaluate factory workers. Justify why you believe this is the right system to use.
● Based upon the selected system, what assessment method would you utilize? Justify why you believe that this is a quality assessment method.
● Explain how the selected system and method are aligned with or different than performance management practices in the manufacturing industry.

Paper 4:

In January of 2020, you were hired as the HR Director by your close friend, the President of Technological Innovation and Practice, Inc. Technological Innovation and Practice, Inc. is a large, growing information technology company that serves businesses around the globe. Currently, the company employs over 40 full-time IT professionals, 15 customer service agents, and 11 administrative assistants. In February of 2020, the company projected that by January of 2021, it would employ over 480 full-time professionals. While the organization has a strong employee handbook in place, the performance management system is lacking. It appears that performance appraisals have been conducted once a year; however, employees often feel shocked by their appraisal.
Mohammed, who has worked for the organization since its inception, has explained that the formal meetings, which take place annually, are problematic. He has informed you that upper-level management provides feedback to employees; however, employees are not allowed to contribute during the feedback process. In fact,
Mohammed stated that employees are only present for the meeting and cannot provide any rebuttal if they do not agree with the rating given. Furthermore, the assessment used does not allow for comments and only utilizes a four-point Likert-type scale. In the assessment, all employees, regardless of position/roles and responsibilities, are assessed based upon three factors: (1) communication, (2) problem-solving abilities, and (3) ability to work with teammates.
Based upon the information provided by Mohammed, address the following:
● What are the benefits and drawbacks associated with the annual performance review process, as it currently stands? What recommendations would you make to improve the annual performance review process?
● What information should be considered when creating a strong performance evaluation form? What are some of the issues associated with the current form? What recommendations would you make to improve the current performance appraisal form? Why?
● What is the relationship between an organization’s annual performance review process/evaluation assessment and employee motivation?
Ensure to integrate sufficient support from scholarly resources throughout the assignment. Use suitable headings and subheadings to organize the work in an appropriate manner.
Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
● Be 4-6 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
● Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
● Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and
at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
● Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Paper 5:

Creating a successful performance management communication plan is vital. There are six basic components associated with a performance management communication plan, which can be reviewed in Figure 7-1, page 199 in your textbook.
For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation for an organization of your choice, which is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this communication plan, which will be presented to new organizational employees (during orientation), address the following:
● Provide information about your organization (specifically detailing its mission, vision, and values).
● Explain the importance of performance management and why your organization values performance
● Explain how the performance management system utilized is aligned with your organization’s strategy.
Note: You can suggest a performance management system or use the one that the company currently
● Explain what type of performance management system you believe is best for the organization and
justify why.
● Explain the benefits of the performance management system to newly hired employees. Specifically, address the question, “What’s in it for me?”
● Explain how the performance management system, for your selected organization, works.
● Critique the organization’s performance management system (which is currently used by the company
or the system that you selected). Note the benefits and drawbacks of this system and offer recommendations for improvements.
Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:
● Be 11 slides in length, with a minimum of eight content slides in addition to one title slide, an agenda slide, and at least one reference slide.
● Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles in the speaker’s notes as well as the reference slide. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these sources and should be your primary resource for conducting research.
● Presentation notes are required for each slide​ and should be put in the ​speaker’s notes section​ to support the slide content. These can be part of the presentation or delivered as a separate document. If you opt for the former, be aware that the presentation cannot be submitted in PDF format, which does not make notes visible to the instructor.
Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment. Follow APA and Saudi Electronic University writing standards.
Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turning Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turning Originality Check Student Guide.

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