Role of Arabian Gulf Region Airports




‘On the Role of Arabian Gulf Region Airports: A Comparative Study of Three World Class Airports along the Gulf Coast…’ is your reflective report title.

Over the last two decades, the Gulf region has witnessed tremendous leaps in its aviation sector. Along the coast of the Arabian Gulf, stretching from Kuwait City to Muscat, there is a number of airports that have grown to become highly competitive international hubs. Choose three out of these airports and analyse the reasons as to why these airports have evolved into their present status and their value to their people, to their country and to the World’s Air Transport System as a whole.
Please conduct research based investigation into your topic. Aim to critically evaluate and contextualise your chosen case against design, operational, legal, social and economic considerations.
Critically evaluate organisational/management models for each airport and discuss its revenue and expenditure structure.
Support your arguments and analyses with data and graphics that reflect each airport’s comparative perfomance.
Please use given template. Given word count for each section should be used as suggestion, not a target, but please do not exceed 2500 words in total in main body (tables, references, table of contents do not count)
Appropriate referencing is a standard requirement. Not meeting the standard should be heavily penalised (accordingly with the university procedures and code of conduct).
Your submission will be weighted along five main axes (as shown below in the template):

– Introduction
– Contextualization
– Literature review
– Analysis
– Discussion and Conclusions
. List of references and title page have no weighting (but both are required, standards).


On the Role of Gulf Region Airports: A Comparative Study of Three World Class Airports along the Gulf Coast

Assignment: Written Report

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 8
1.1 Abstract 8
1.2 Hypothesis, statement/ features to be investigated 8
1.3 Research questions and objectives 8
2 Contextualisation, importance of the problem, scaling of the phenomenon 8
3 Literature review 8
4 Analysis 8
5 Discussion and Conclusions 9
5.1 Discussion of the Findings 9
5.2 Conclusions 9
6 List of References 9
7 Feedback 10


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