Roles parents play in providing stability and supports to children


In Chapters 5–6 of your text, you learned the critical roles that parents play in providing stability and supports to children who live in at-risk environments.
You also learned how physiological needs could contribute to how children respond to adversity. Please use your readings and research peer-reviewed
journal articles in the Purdue Global Library to support your post.
Please respond to the following:
Define adversity and explain how living in an at-risk community contributes to a family’s ability to foster resilience.
Discuss one physiological need (food security, housing, or safety from domestic violence) that must be met in order for a family to have a chance at
developing resilience. Find research on the physiological need chosen and share your findings.
Search your community (Chicago) for an organization or agency that provides services that address the physiological need you chose. Discuss the programs
they offer that assist families with meeting this need.
Arditti, J. A. (2015). Family Problems: Stress, Risk, and Resilience. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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