Roman Greek

in a formal narrative essay, describe the significance of the
ancient Roman site, including its historical/artistic,
physical/architectural, social/civic, spiritual/religious, research,
natural, economic, and/or symbolic/identity values, including its
earliest date of construction and a chronology of the most
important developments and modifications at the site over time.
Provide exact dates if possible. Please note any periods of
primary significance and associations with particular cultures,
groups, or events. Think of this essay as your making the
strongest case for why your site is so important that it deserves
to be preserved and studied. What could it mean to us today?
What can we learn from it?

Your essay should follow the outline below. As long as the essay
flows clearly and well, and in the designated order, feel free to
include any other information that you believe is important to
make your case.

1. Brief statement of thesis. State the primary historical and
cultural significance of your site in no more than two or
three sentences.

2. Larger historical context. Narrate the history of this site,
including who first established it, when it was first
established, how long it was in use by the different
people/cultures/civilizations who were associated with it.
Discuss what changes have occurred to the site over time,
and by whom. Remember to be clear and specific, and
provide and cite any relevant supporting evidence.

3. Specific historical context. Identify the most critical
historical time for this site, and explain why it is
significant. Provide and cite relevant supporting evidence.

4. Cultural Context. What primary concept, theme, issue, or
idea does this site reflect, symbolize, represent. embody.
express, etc? (i.e. the Roman value of Mos Maiorum or the
Egvntian idea of cvclical change).

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