Root Cause Analysis


Possible topics:

Emily Jerrys death (2006) or Pablo Garcia (2013). (Whichever topic will be easier for the writer to work on it)

Address each of the following:

• Introduce issue: In this part of the paper the students will identify, define, and describe the issues. Use Key Words. Provide a concise abstract/summary/introduction of your issue, usually 150-250 words. Identify 4-5 Keywords
• Background: Provide information that readers need to know to understand your point of view of the issue. Clearly explain the issue your scholarly paper will address.
• Root-Cause-Analysis: Discuss the method of analysis that you would utilize to determine the underlying factor that lead to the issue. Interpret the information that you’ve provided and define terms for readers who may be unfamiliar with issue “Why does this exist”? Is it a problem that is current or is this a long standing problem?
• Rationale (with evidence from the scholarly literature) for your position Review the literature for your topic to validate your topic. Each student is responsible for 4 articles regarding the professional topic. Review the articles and summarize your findings.
• Pros and cons (in other words, show your knowledge about all aspects of the issue) There should be a series of paragraphs that support your professional issue, this sends out a clear statement about your position on the issue at hand. Why is this issue important to nursing? How will this issue make a difference in professionalism? Support your statements.
• Conclusion: Summarize important points. Conclude your major points in one paragraph. It should not be a mere repetition of previously states facts. Instead, write down remedies and recommendations that can help counter the issue.



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