Safeguarding children

The following post has three questions namely;

1.Safeguarding children

1- Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of abuse on children and young people.
2- Critically examine and analyse the role of different agencies and professionals within the process of safeguarding children and young people.

2.Responsibility relating to the development and use of resources.

Review legal requirement and responsibility relating to the development and use of resources. / 2 Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use
of resources.

3.Kelly Loves Tony AND Better Luck Tomorrow

1. Discuss how the films AKA Donus OR Kelly Loves Tony AND Better Luck Tomorrow depict and even challenge the stereotypes of the Asian American model minority.
2. In the films Terminal USA and Saving Face the Asian American family is reconceived from its traditional and heteronormative standard. Discuss the value of showing Asian American families as
queered and how this forces us to rethink family, racial identity, and culture

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