Saigon Pete’s food trucks Management

You are the operator and manager of one of Saigon Pete’s food trucks. Currently the owner of the company has three trucks operating in the city, all of which specialize in serving spicy Vietnamese bang mi sandwiches.
Your Task:
Your plan is to try to convince Pete Pam, the owner of Saigon Pete’s, that now is a good time to expand. You want to convince him to add new trucks to the fleet and to consider you for a larger management role as the business grows.
Compose a persuasive message to Pete Pham that will convince him to add new trucks to the fleet and to consider you for a management role in the growing business. Make sure that you support all of your conclusions with clear reasoning and relevant information from the “Facts” section that follows. Not all of the information below will be appropriate for your purposes, so choose your supporting information carefully.
Saigon Pete’s has been around for four years. It was the city’s original banh mi food truck. Saigon Pete’s still has the only trucks that exclusively serve banh mi and other Vietnamese food. You were part of the staff on the original truck. Two years ago, when Saigon Pete’s expanded, you became the manager of the midtown truck. There are now three trucks in all. The “gourmet food truck” trend began about five years ago in the city. Most of the first trucks sold tacos and other Mexican food. Saigon Pete’s was among the first few trucks that were non-Mexican. In general, the first wave of trucks sold ethnic food of some type. As time passed and food trucks increased in popularity, non-ethnic and specialty trucks emerged, selling such things as organic ice cream, Belgian waffles, and lobster rolls. All of Saigon Pete’s trucks are profitable. One is assigned to the Uptown Route. Another is assigned to the Riverfront Route. Your truck is assigned to the Midtown Route. Your truck usually outperforms the other two trucks in terms of daily revenue. Both of the managers of the other two trucks have expressed interest in your route if the expansion plans are carried out and you go on to a more managerial position. 

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