Sandra Halperin’s analysis of Modernity in “Re-envisioning Global Development”

Discuss Sandra Halperin’s analysis of Modernity in “Re-envisioning Global Development”

In which theoretical camp would you place Halperin’s account of modernity? What are the main strengths and weaknesses of her account? What is left out in her analysis of modernity? Which analyst or group of analysts of modernity do you agree with most, and why? Does Halperin’s account contradict other analyses of modernity (e.g. Weber’s and Durkheim’s) or can they be seen as complementary, in your view? Discuss the emphasis the different theorists/analysts (Charles Tilly, Weber, Durkheim) place on cultural or ideational aspects versus different forms of power (e.g. economic power, military power, science and intellectual dominance). Where does Halperin place her main emphasis and what is lost in her account?

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