Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders.


If you have not yet done so, choose a case (Derek or Meredith) from Juvenile Offenders: Case Studies as your focus for this assignment. Then access the DSM-5 and read about the following disorders:

Bipolar and Related Disorders & Depressive Disorders.
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders.
For example, how might the use of drugs or alcohol exacerbate pathology that might be present, or how does it aid in poor choices and poor impulse control?
Anxiety Disorders.
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders.
For example, does Derek or Meredith experience thought distortion or difficulty with reality testing?
Note: You may review Accessing the DSM-5 and the Mental Measurement Yearbook to understand how to access the DSM-5 in the Capella library.

After you have reviewed the information in the DSM-5, write and submit a 3–5 page paper in which you analyze the case study in terms of the psychology described in the DSM-5 and the disorder Derek or Meredith shows signs of having. Note: Choose only one of the disorders listed that you think is most closely related to the case you have chosen (Derek or Meredith).

Through your analysis of the case study and your reading in the DSM-5, describe how Derek or Meredith meets the criteria of the disorder you have chosen.

Remember, a disorder is based on time, duration, intensity, and the degree to which it interferes with everyday functioning (social, interpersonal, work, and patterns in relationships) and not just the observable behavior. Determine environmental factors (for example, parenting styles, rejection by loved ones, lack of limits, and so on) that impact their behavior (for example, bullying, lying, and drug use) as well as potential biological factors.

Answer the following questions in your paper:

What disorder (choose only one) does Derek or Meredith show signs of having?
What are the diagnostic criteria as outlined in the DSM-5 for that disorder?
How does Derek or Meredith meet those criteria?
Remember to discuss how elements in the young person’s history contribute to this diagnosis.
Discuss how the immediate history of the offense might support the diagnosis.
Be sure you review the Juvenile Offender Case Study: Initial Analysis Scoring Guide to ensure that you have met all the criteria for this assignment.

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