Schizophrenia; the salient features

  1. CASE: Describe the salient features of the case. Sufficient information needs to be provided so others can understand the case study.
  2. DIAGNOSIS:Whatisthediagnosisforthepersoninthecasestudy?Thediagnosisneeds to be clearly stated. Provide the diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis identified and describe the behaviors from the case study that support each of the diagnostic criteria that apply to the person in the case study.
  3. MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Are there any medical conditions that are important to the understanding or management of the individual’s mental disorder? If so, please identify and discuss how it is important. If not, then indicate that there are no medical conditions that would apply.

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  1. PSYCHOSOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS. List the titles of the areas that apply and support your observations with information from the case study.

 Problems with primary support group including family circumstances
 Problems related to the social environment
 Problems related to life management difficulty
 Problems relating to lifestyle
 Problems related to education and literacy
 Problems related to employment and unemployment
 Problems related to housing and economic circumstances
 Problems with access to health care services
 Problems related to interaction with the legal system/crime
 Problems related to other psychosocial and environmental problems
 Problems related to negative events in childhood

  1. MODEL: Discuss what Model of Abnormality best explains the causes(etiology)of the disorder in this case? What information supports your answer? The model needs to be identified and detailed information needs to be discussed in support for the model(s) as to how and why it best explains the etiology of the disorder. It is possible to use more than one model, but solid information needs to be provided for each model. Discuss the specifics of the model and the specifics of the case study that support the model. Do not discuss treatments in this section. Keep in mind that the treatments for a particular disorder are not necessarily the same Model that explains the etiology.
  2. CULTURAL ASPECTS: Were there any cultural aspects of this case that were relevant? Be creative about this area and don’t limit your thinking to only ethnic culture. Identify and discuss the information that supports your observations? Information needs to be discussed in terms of how the cultural aspects identified have influenced and/or contributed to the development of the particular disorder.
  3. MEDICATION: Was medication prescribed? If so, what were the medications, why were these prescribed and were they consistent with text information? Discuss their effectiveness.
  4. TREATMENT: Is the treatment described in the case study consistent with the recommended treatment in the text (length of time, meds and/or therapy, etc)? What are the challenges of the treatment?Hospitalization. Was hospitalization necessary and what were the circumstances that necessitated this?Therapy. If therapy was included in treatment, discuss the type of therapy and if this approach was consistent with what is recommended in the text.
  5. CHALLENGES: According to the case study and the information in the text for this diagnosis what are the challenges of this particular disorder and discuss the challenges of the particular problems of the person in the case study?
  6. PROGNOSIS: A prognosis is the likely course of a disorder into the future. It is like a “forecast” of the likely course the person with this disorder will take through their life. Analyze the information below and provide a specific prognosis such as “poor”, “guarded”, “good”, etc. The prognosis needs to be specifically identified. The prognosis needs to be discussed in the context for how the person compares with others with the same diagnosis–will the person do better or worse and why. Information needs to be provided from the text and the case study to support the prognosis.The prognosis is based on the following:
     the disorder as described in the text
     the symptoms described
     the severity of the symptoms
     how compliant the person was with the treatment–therapy and/or medication
     how this person compares to others with the same diagnosisThe Prognosis needs to include the following:
  7. What is the prognosis?
  8. What information from the text supports this prognosis?
  9. How does the prognosis that you have identified compare with others with the same diagnosis? Is the person from the case study going to do better or worse and why?
  10. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS: What would you add to the case study? Suggestions, concerns, observations, inconsistencies, or challenges. What other information would have been helpful to know about this person?
  11. APPLY THE 4 D’S: Apply the criteria from the text of the 4 D’s–Deviance, Distress, Dysfunction and Danger. Information from the case study is needed to support each of the 4 Ds. Each of the 4 Ds need to be listed and discussed separately.13. FOUR-FRONTAPPROACHTOFUNCTIONING(BeatriceWright’sfour-frontapproach1991; Wright and Lopez, 2002). Considering all parts of this format assess the person from a dimensional perspective using the following criteria. Specific references/examples to the case study need to be cited to support your observations.
  12. Deficiencies and undermining characteristics of the person.
  13. Strengths and assets of the person
  14. Lacks and destructive factors in the environment
  15. Resources and opportunities in the environment

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