Science-Faith relationship

Metaphor: Science-Faith relationship
Science= moon
Humans= earth
Religion/Faith= sun

In the context of religion, faith means belief in God/Creator or doctrines, and more focuses on individual beliefs while science focuses on testable hypotheses. The relationship between science and religion is conflicted on the issue of origins- the creation and evolution. My personal metaphor for science and faith relationship is planets and sun in our solar system because they both (science and faith) need to coexist to stabilize the earth/humanity as the planets and sun. Religion is a truth that shines rays of hope on human beings like how the sun gives its light to earth so that life can exist. On the other hand, science is a tool that human beings use to hold on to that truth like how the earth relies on the moon for its gravitational force. 

Growing up in an interfaith family, I was exposed to both religions and raised to live harmoniously and respect one another even if I don’t agree. I view religion as a tool to teach us what is right and wrong, since it is a foundation for our beliefs, values, and morals. I believe that all religions taught love, empathy, and respect. As a Christian, I believe in God and the Bible is the only source of my beliefs. As in Genesis, I believe God created the earth and everything in it.
I view science as the study of the universe and everything around through observation and experimentation. It is all about evidence and facts, and scientific knowledge can change over time. Science and religion need to coexist and work together on many topics because both search for the truth. One of the biggest disagreements both science and religion has is human evolution. According to science, humans evolved from primates; while creationism stated that God created humans from the mud. As a Christian studying science, I get a better sense of who God is, who we are and how things are created. In ancient times, many people including scientists believed the earth was flat, but the Bible (Isaiah 40:22) revealed the truth of the round earth way before Eratosthenes discovered the shape. Science also proved the blood is the source of life as stated in the Bible (Leviticus 17:11), and how the earth is held by the gravitational force.
Religion and science go hand in hand and they need each other. They both explain how/why life and the universe exist. Some of the scientific discoveries proved certain truths which religion can agree with. My standpoint is that science and religion have different ways/conflicts but as the earth needs the moon and the sun, humans need both science and religion.

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