Scripture Interpretation and Meditation paper on Joshua chapter 2

Interpret and apply Joshua 2

1. Historical background. One paragraph. Include ancient Near Eastern history, time in Israel’s history, YHWH’s drama, and location. Don’t just give me the category name for each of these areas, but flesh out the names (For example, don’t just say that it happened during the time of Assyria, but describe the time period briefly as well.) Draw a map of the events of Joshua 2 and attach it (you can use the scanners in the library or just draw the map on the computer). 2. Teaching point. In one sentence tell me the teaching point of the chapter. Remember the criteria for a good main point

3. Literary context: One paragraph on how the main point of the chapter fits into the main themes of the book. One paragraph on flow of thought. Two paragraphs total for this section. 4.Summary of the story. Divide the story into scenes (probably about 3-5) and briefly summarize the flow of the story using the terms exposition, conflict, and resolution to show the course of the plot. 5. Interpretation. Show at least four ways that the narrator is communicating the teaching point (identified above) through the story (see the Study Guide BBST JJR.pdf on how narrators often do this). Be sure to include a characterization of Rahab. 6. Meditation. Mediate on the chapter for three days. Each day, read the chapter, think about the chapter for three minutes, pray about the text for three minutes, and reflect on the chapter at least one other time during the day. Record which days you followed these instructions. 7. Application. Based on the main point of the chapter, tell me how you could apply it to your life.

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