Secrets of Body Language

watch the film: Secrets of Body Language Paper. After watching the video discuss the questions below. Provide examples from the film and include concepts from Chapter 4 to support your answers. Include in-text parenthetical citation, as well as the citation of course textbook at end of paper (Work Cited). 1.What percentage of our Comm. is non-verbal? Do you agree or disagree? Explain why 2.Facial expressions can be universally understood among cultures. What are the universal facial expressions discussed in the film? Do you agree or disagree? Explain why and include an example of nonverbal facial expressions that are common in your culture. 3.What is a micro-expression? Provide an example of the last micro-expression you observed when communicating with someone (maybe a family member, friend, or co-worker). 4.Explain how power is communicated nonverbally. What aspect does cultural play in using gestures and asserting personal use of space?

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