Secure Environment

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Discuss how a Playbook/Runbook relates to creating a secure environment and why policies are important for enforcing security.


In 100 words reply to 1 of the classmates post below. Be constructive and professional in your responses.

1 hour ago, at 8:33 PM NEW
All organizations have different types of incidents that can occur at anytime and if they are not prepared this could cause a loss to their company. The purpose of a playbook/runbook is to prepare companies for cybersecurity responsibilities and have a clear understanding of standards. A response team should be put in place before an incident occurring. The response team should be defined and aware of their position they will detect, respond, and communicate during a security incident. A responsive team is set up in order to respond prior to an occurred incident. First, a CEO or CTO is notified of the security breach. The IT department have an input on the plan but it is not their sole responsibility. A legal team also plays a role in a playbook/runbook which provide legal insight and how the breach an impact the company. Overall, the legal team ensures that the response team is in compliance with the playbook/runbook. The plan is a step by step instruction manual that highlights actions that should be taken place when breaches occur.

I am currently working in an enterprise environment. I am technical support for our product to many different customers. What I heave read and understand about the playbook is, when our product breaks, every companies playbook says to call us immediately!
In seriousness, a playbook is something that anyplace, where it be IT intensive, or a small business, should have a playbook setup and ready to go. If a firewall goes down or a hacker get’s into the system there needs to be a protocol in place to follow to re-mediate the situation. With that being said, there is no way to have a playbook for EVERY situation. You don’t want to have two failed hard drives and the wrong RAID setup! The playbook can also be a great guideline of processes to follow before an issue happens to possible avoid the issue. If the email server goes down, you know how to bring the backup online so your team isn’t sitting without access and possibly losing the company money.

One thing I have learned in enterprise IT: Down production = Lost revenue.

3 hours ago, at 6:49 PM NEW
The beginning of this course had not a clue to what a runbook//play book is. Thanks to google some great responses from the class and the instructor I have a better understanding. The runbook is a tool of specific designs put together to target specific threats and expert advice as a solution. The alternative adding expert attention to the problem saving research, time, money. Going over the laws and bi laws of information security is very stressful under normal circumstances. To have a contingency plan of recovery with runbook in place makes perfectly good sense. With policies being the backbone of an organization having a rule book or runbook could simplify reaction time to a threat. Google defines a runbook as standardized documents containing information and procedures for solving IT or DevOps incidents both types of runbooks refer to creating helpful documents and processes for checking systems and resolving incidents as they occur. Runbooks/playbooks also are divined as a compilation of routine procedures and operation that the system administrator uses. Looking at a runbook optimistically a plan is a terrible thing to waste.

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