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Please compare the following two paintings shown here. (will upload the pictures). One is from the Northern Renaissance, the other is from the Italian Renaissance of the 15th century. Please identify each painting correctly in the following way:

Section 1:

Painting 1: Title of the Artwork, Name of the Artist, Date of the Artwork, Medium, Dimensions

Painting 2: Title of the Artwork, Name of the Artist, Date of the Artwork, Medium, Dimensions

Section 2:

How do these paintings differ? Please give three specific reasons. Consider their formal qualities, subject matter, and historical contexts.

Section 3:

How are these paintings similar? Please give three specific reasons. Again consider their formal qualities, subject matter, and historical contexts.

Please select an artwork out of the PDF lectures from Weeks 1 through 7. (I will upload the lectures). Please give your answer as follows:

Load in an image of the artwork you are analyzing and give the following: Title of the artwork, name of the artist (if unknown, say “Unknown”), date of the artwork, medium, and dimensions.

Section 1, formal properties: What does the artwork look like? How would you describe its appearance? What are the colors? What are the shapes? If the art object is a painting, what is going on in the background, the foreground? If it is a sculpture, how does the material it is made out of, for example marble or brass, contribute to its appearance? If it is a building, how does its size and materials contribute to its appearance? Describing the formal properties of an art object requires a good eye, and depends less textual analysis.

Section 2, subject matter: What is the artwork about? Is it telling a story? If it is a painting or a sculpture, is it a portrait? Does it refer to any religious or mythological ideas? Deriving the subject matter requires delving into the scholarship on the art object.

Section 3, historical context: Where does this particular artwork fit in with the historical timeline of the culture that produced it? Is the culture itself a very traditional culture, such as Ancient Egypt, where the appearance of art hardly changed over millennia? Is the culture more dynamic, such as nineteenth century France, which saw a number of changes to the kinds of art it produced in rapid succession? What was going on in the country of origin at the time the artist produced the artwork that would have had an impact on the artist and/or the artwork? Understanding the historical context requires delving into the scholarship on the art object itself and the culture that gave rise to it.

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