Seeds Of Hope In Fields Of War

Seeds of hope in fields of war.

I’m a fashion design student and I”m doing a research about the concept of my senior collection and talking about the concept more in details, it is simply about:
Showing hope through darkness, and how people can accumulate hope after war or trauma. and it is about people who have experienced despair and darkness but they tend to see light despite all of the darkness. As people who have seen the dark side of humanity they provide hope.

The Assignment is only part of the final research it is only ( The methodology ) part and ( The Results and Discussions).

  1. Write the methodology ( the tools and the methods u used through collecting ur data ) elaborate. ( The methodology part should be 3-4 pages.
  2. The next Chapter is the results & Discussions. In this part you write the results of the data. (You take each question and talk about it in percentages for example you say 60% of the participants prefer the color black than white and then after reflecting ur data into words you link each question somehow with your concept, objectives and literature review ).

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