Select three toys you believe to safe, developmentally appropriate a. educational for a typical child within the age group you’ve selected. For each of the toys, provide responses to the following questions using fully developed sentences and paragraphs: Provide the full name of the toy. and the name of the manufacturer. If you wish. you may also include an optional image of the toy Provide a detailed description of the toy in your own words. Use five — seven sentences to indicate, for example, the size of the toy, the materials it’s made from, it’s purpose, how it is cleaned and sanitized, how it is played With how it is stored, its typical purchase price and where it can purchased, a. other information you wish to share Then, answer each of these questions in its own fully-developed paragraph:
1. Why is this toy developmentally appropriate for a child in this age group?
2. Why is this toy educational? What can children learn by playing with this toy?
3. Why is this toy appealing to a child in this age group?
4. Would a parent select this toy? Why or why not?
5. Would you select this toy to use with a child in this age group? Why or why not?
6. Is the toy safe for young children? Why or why not?
7. What hazards could you anticipate with this toy? How can you prevent the hazard from happening? Writing Guidelines
1. Type your submission. double-spaced, in a standard print font, size 12. Use a standard document format with one-inch margins. (Times New Roman or Arial are recommended fonts.
2. Include a Title Page in APA format to include your full name, the name and number of this exam, the name and number of this course, and the date. Refer to the assignment’s video for a sample image of the Title page.
3. Read the assignment carefully, and include all of the necessary information. Be sure to cite all of the websites and articles you use.
4. Include in-text citations in your essay, and a References page; use APA form